How to move an existing .de / .ch / .at / .eu domain to hPage?

If you already own a .de / .ch / .at / .eu domain, you can move it easily to hPage. Please follow these steps:

1.) Log into your hPage account If you do not have a paid package yet, order a paid package at "My Package" => "My Package". If you already have one, order an additional domain at "My Package" => "Additional domains".

2.) Enter the domain name you already own in the appropriate field.

3.) A message box will appear telling you that this domain is already taken.

This notice contains the following link "The domain "xxx" is already registered. If you are the owner you may transfer the domain." Please click on that link.

4.) Now a "AuthInfo" field will appear. Please enter here the AuthInfo for your domain.

You get the AuthInfo from your current domain provider (where you have registered the domain). Please contact your current domain provider's customer service in order to request the AuthInfo for your domain.
Important: Without entering the valid AuthInfo, we can not transfer your domain to us.

If you have any questions about the AuthInfo of your domain, please contact your current domain provider's customer service.

By clicking on the "Apply" button, you are confirming that you are the owner of the domain.

5.) You can now continue with the order.

After we receive your payment, our system will set up your ordered domain automatically and transfer it to hPage.

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