1.) Log into the interface and click "Files" => "Upload files" on the menu.
2.) Drop the files that should be uploaded via Drag & Drop from your PC into the white area. Or click the white area to select the files from your PC. To upload files saved on your Dropbox, click on the button "Select files from Dropbox”.
3.) You can repeat this step several times until all of your desired files are listed.
Tip: Press and hold the Ctrl key in order to select multiple files at once.
4.) The selected files are displayed with a small preview.
You can remove a single file from the list again by clicking "X" or you can empty the complete list by clicking on the button "Clear upload list".
5.) When you're done with selecting your files, you can upload them by clicking on "Upload selected files".
Now your files are uploaded to our servers and you can include them into your website.
By clicking on the button "Supported Files" you will see all the file types that can be uploaded.